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Pronunciación de la canción Run To You

ai nou det guen yu luk ed mi
ders sou mach det yu yast dont siy
bet if yu guold onli teik da taim
ai nou in mai jart yud faind

uuh , a ger gus eskeird somtaims
ju isent olweis estrong
kent yu siy da jert in mi
ai fil sou ol alon

ai wana rren tu yu
ai wana rren tu yu
guount yu jould mi in yort orms
end kip mi seif from jarm

ai wana rren tu yu
bet if ai kom tu yu
tel mi , wil yu estei
or wil yu rren ewei

ich dei , ich dei ai plei da roul
of somuan olweis in contzrol
bet ed nai
ai kom jom end zran da kii
ders noubary derz , nou uan kers for mi

uuh , guats da sens
of zrain jard tu faind yort drims
wiraud somuan tu cher et guit
tel mi , guat das et min yeh

ai wana rren tu yu
ai wana rren tu yu
guount yu jould mi in yort orms
end kip mi seif from jarm

ai wana rren tu yu
bet if ai kom tu yu
tel mi , wil yu estei
or wil yu rren ewei
rren ewei , nou

ai nid yu jir
ai nid yu jir tu guaip ewei mai tyirs
tu kes ewei mai firs , nou
if yu onli niu jau mach

ai wana rren tu yu
ai wana rren tu yu
guount yu jould mi in yort orms
end kip mi seif from jarm

ol rren tu yu
bet if ai kom tu yu
tel mi , wil yu estei
or wil yu rren ewei