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Pronunciación de la canción Yellow Submarine

in di taun guer ai guos bor
lifd a men ju seild di siy
end ji tol os of jis laif
in di lend of sobmarrins

sou wi seild ap tu di san
zil wi faun di siy of grin
end wi lifd benift di guebs
in ar yelou sobmarrin

wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin
wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin

end ar frends arr ol ebord
meni mor of dem lif next dor
end di bend bigíns tu plei

wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin
wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin

ez wi lif a laif of is ( a laif of is )
ebri uan of os ( ebri uan of os )
jas ol wi nid ( jas ol wi nid )
eskei of blu ( eskei of blu )
end siy of grin ( siy of grin )
in ar yelou ( in ar yelou ) sobmarrin ( sobmarrin , jaja )

wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin
wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin

wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin
wi ol lif in a yelou sobmarrin
yelou sobmarrin , yelou sobmarrin

Embárcate en la aventura de cantar ‘Yellow Submarine’ de The Beatles con la pronunciación perfecta, gracias a nuestro blog. Esta canción, famosa por su tono alegre y su historia imaginativa, es una excelente manera de mejorar tu pronunciación en inglés mientras disfrutas de la creatividad musical de The Beatles.